
Do you ever get mad as hell?
I do
Sometimes I get so mad
I want to explode
Just take this ticking bomb
of suppressed emotions
and concealed pain
and hulk the hell out

Sometimes I wanna shatter
glasses with the words I swallowed
when being abused
I took the higher ground
Screw the high ground

Cause right now the ground
I’m walking on is as unstable
as my emotions
and if I don’t let go
Imma lose it

Do you ever sit
and think of all the bullshit
people put you through
the ones supposed to love you
putting the most bullet holes in you

I mean damn.

Is this Kevlar expired
cause I’d like to stop hurting now

I mean damn.

Staying friends for the sake of friendship
when they killing you
cause you got the time
and the patience to keep loving them

I mean damn.

People talking about catching grenades
for their loved ones
but I get ones thrown at me

I mean damn.

Going an extra mile for
when they’d leaves you miles behind
for a penny

I mean damn.

Getting mad at yourself
cause don’t you learn?
I mean how many times
do you need to get kicked
in the face before you learn to duck?

I mean damn.

How many times will you
jump into boiling water
and expect not to burn?

I mean damn.

I’m so mad
it feels like a tempest is
burning in my spirit
so I take some spirits
to drown it all away

And when I get to that high point
where I’m so drunk
I calm down
I realize

I’m just

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