Petit mort

It started with a look
and suddenly I knew
I’d lost you

Your very essence began departing
from my heart
I went to catch you
but you were intangible

I bled my love onto you
draining myself
but you’d already fed
with the heart of another


Feel me begging you
back to our sacred place
our bed where our limbs are entangled
where our breath becomes one

I’m chanting your name
trying to break her spell over you
but you’ve succumbed to your possession
submitted to your bewitching

you’re torn

I feel it.

Torn between your sense of loyalty
to our fractured partnership
and the life she breathes into you

Holding me close at night
kissing my neck
while whispering her name
one push and she’s in your veins
comforting you in ways I never could

She’s slowing taking you from me
You breath rattles your chest
yet I’ve become a widow

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